Capture the passwords for password reuse.

Make these more realistic by including their profile picture in the email. Create custom phishing campaigns for each social media site, knowing that the target has an account.Trick users into disclosing their emails and phone numbers with vouchers and offers to make the pivot into phishing, vishing or smishing.Recent statistics show social media users are more than twice as likely to click on links and open documents compared to those delivered via email. Create fake social media profiles to 'friend' the targets and send them links or malware.(Note: Social Mapper does not perform these attacks, it gathers you the data you need to perform them on a mass scale.) From here what you do is only limited by your imagination, but here are a few ideas to get started: Social Mapper is primarily aimed at Penetration Testers and Red Teamers, who will use it to expand their target lists and find their social media profiles. A CSV file with names and URL’s to images online.

Social Mapper is an Open Source Intelligence Tool that uses facial recognition to correlate social media profiles across different sites on a large scale. WARNING: FACEBOOK NOW DETECTS THIS AFTER A FEW 100 SEARCHES, USE ONLY DISPOSABLE FACEBOOK ACCOUNTSĪ Social Media Mapping Tool that correlates profiles via facial recognition by Jacob Wilkin ( Greenwolf). This tool is no longer actively maintained, parts of it may still work and I will accept pull requests to keep it up to date